I like...

Aku dah lama minat kat dia. Dia tak lah baik mana. Nak kata jahat pon tak. Lebih kepada baik, my guess. Hehe.Ya, memang kawan2 dia lagi cantik daripada dia. Tapi... Aku memang minat kat dia. Her looks, her style, herself. Look at her. Very cute, attractive, and decent. I mean... How did she do that??

Hari ni masa tunggu bas, dia pon ada. Dia datang ke arah aku. Dupdapdupdap. Dia senyum. Arghhh~ melting wey! Pastu dia... Duduk. Baru aku perasan, sebelah aku kosong. Tapi... Still... Dia duduk sebelah aku. Aku sangat gembira hari ini. Oh, look at her phone chain. Ada bendera Palestine. How thoughtful. Oh~ birthday dia 8 April. I hope she is younger than me. Hmm...By her look, she is.

Kau kat mana? Kau kat mana tu? Jadi budak perempuan tu? Atau jadi lelaki stalker tu? Hahaha.

Yeah, I made up that story. Dan kalau kau feeling masa baca, kau ada masalah terlalu banyak berangan. Aku sarankan kau berhenti tengok cerita cinta dan berhenti baca novel, serta berhenti baca buku motivasi cinta yang islamik mahupun tidak. You know why? Because it's not going to help you with anything. It's simply going to make you feel bad about yourself even more. Just...trust mey.

I don't want you to get hurt. However, I do not know how do I tell you about this; you need to stop making things up in your head. All those love stories you watch, you read, is all lie! Those stories are from people like you. They are all imagination! I'm not here to tell you to stop dreaming. I'm telling you to know that you are in real world. And things in real world doesn't synchronized with your expectations. It doesn't go the way your imagination flows. It is not that easy.

Jadi, apa yang aku buat? Sebenarnya... Aku sepatutnya start study discrete structure sekarang. Sebab esok pagi ada test. So... Ya. Aku sedang buang masa menaip ini. Hahaha. Kbye.


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