
Showing posts from 2013

I feel like a General Manager

Aku suka gila gambar ni!! Kita nampak macam orang yang telah berjaya. (Well, kita memang dah berjaya pon! XD)   Semalam (Jumaat, 30 Ogos 2013) aku dan budak-budak aku akhirnya telah bebas dari satu beban besar dalam sem 5 kami ini iaitu VIVA ETR/ENT300. Dalam ENT300 ni, kami dikehendaki menubuhkan sebuah syarikat dan juga meng-inovasi-kan product di pasaran. Mula-mula, kami ingat nak buat product ini ; tapi… abstract kami di tolak. Well, agak mengecewakan. Especially bila budak-budak aku semua setuju nak buat product yang aku usulkan ini. Dan aku juga dipilih jadi GM sebab product ini. tapi sayang seribu kali sayang, kena reject. Entah kenapa, aku macam dah tahu yang product ini akan kena reject. So, aku pon tak berapa nak depressed lah. Kecewa tu ada; tapi aku OK. Masih boleh berfikir dengan waras. Masih memegang title GM. Yelah, depressed lah katakan… mesti lah otak macam tak waras. Tapi aku masih waras. Melihat budak-budak aku pon, dorang still sokong aku, yakin dengan aku...

Just Another LOVEY-DOEY things that passed my head by.

Assalamualaikum. Hey, ya! XD XD mesti kaurang rasa macam… "Eii, minah ni poyo lah. kata macam boleh hidup sendiri. Tak perlukan boyfriend blablabla. Tapi tak habis-habis update pasal hati & perasaan. Eww. fake-nyeww. Menyampah larh. Rasew macam nak sew-sew (sew : jahit) je jari-jari dia ni” So, 1st of all … Aku still rasa yang aku masih nak menyendiri ; Single . 2nd. of all … I’m not saying this for behalf of myself. I’m saying this, for you, my dear reader/s about how I survive single, about how to live Single, to make you think twice about you, your heart & your crush. & to promote to you, “SINGLE LIFE PACKAGE” for free!! XD but, of coz, not for a lifetime. =.=’ Me too, do not want to stay single for a lifetime. I wanna get married some day. Single tak bererti kita ni tak laku. Percayalah cakap aku, di luar sana itu… ada seseorang yang mengagumi kita sebab hati kita. Ada orang yang terhutang budi dengan kita, ada orang yang ada perasaan sayang sangat pada kita. ...

it’s disturbing

i realize how things around me rapidly change. and i… recently realize that there is also things that doesn’t. i believe that I’ve been sent to somewhere for a reason. but until now, i haven’t seen anything that could be a reason to be there. and now… I got only about 4 month to discover about the reason behind these 2 years of journey. it’s disturbing. it’s scary. yes, i’m scared of the future. well, i supposed to be scared. i’m 20. and within this 5 years, I will have to work for myself. question is, what? what work should i do? who will i become? i didn’t see a clue about my future. it made me think… maybe the reason behind my long journey is… dead. yes, i’m scared! but i can’t stop now. can i? my future is mine to discover. dead is something very sure to every soul. in this next 4 month, i’ll face my fate. if it is dead waiting for me, then so be it. if it is not, maybe the reason is something I didn’t see and not meant for me to discover yet or maybe never. what ever it i...

Manifesto PR & BN for #PRU13. Yang mana lebih meyakinkan?

Assalamualaikum kawan-kawan. Aku faham, aku tahu… kita bukannya boleh mengundi lagi. Tapi, bak kata Sir Faizalfarid, politik ini penting. Sebab orang politik ini lah yang menggerakkan negara. Plus, kita ni… dah 20 tahun. yang gedik-gedik kata, “ehh, tolong sikit. aku belum 20, OK? aku lahir bulan *censored* “. WhatEverss. You’re turning 20 this year. Stop being childish. Yang ambil diploma, lagi setahun je nak habis. Lepas tu, kita akan bekerja. Tak pun, sambung degree. Sambung degree berapa tahun lah sangat~ Lepas tu kita akan kerja, kan? Dan dalam jangka masa 5 tahun ini (lepas #PRU13), kita… akan menjalani alam pekerjaan. That is why, we have to pay attention on this. “Why? We cannot vote anywayss” – Yes, we can’t. But can help encourage people to vote. We’re university students. People hear us. Sebelum aku start, aku nak mengingatkan semua orang… yang ini hanyalah manifesto, janji-janji parti-parti politik. Sebagai seorang manusia, kita sendiri pernah berjanji. & kita tahu...

Blame it on Twitter.

wow, it’s been awhile since my last post here. I can’t help myself from wondering what I wrote last time. What bring me back here? Well, actually I have an exam this evening. On 2.15pm. Yeah. less than 3 hours from now. But I can’t help myself. This is what I need to calm myself down. I dunno what to write. Almost everything have been tweeted. So… just in case… I’ll be here.