
Showing posts from December, 2014

Now. How bangga diri is that?

Honestly, yes... I'm waiting for your text. I want that happy feeling of getting a text from you. Like... when i looked at my phone, i'll be like... "Oh, look who texted me" "Aww~ that is so sweet of you" With a smile (honest one. The type that came from heart) on my face. & then i'll put my phone away & continue doing whatever i'm doing at the moment. But with a sincere smile on my face. & a very happy feeling. & satisfied. That is actually a charity you can do for me. Pls texted me. & pls do not expect any reply. Just... text me something sweet.
Aku takde abang. Ada adik lelaki pon, beza umur jauh. Macam... aku yang patut jaga dia. Bukan dia jaga aku. Jadi... aku tak setuju bila orang kata "kalau pergi jalan jauh, kena ada lelaki teman". Eww. Why be so depending? &&, what makes you feel safe around a guy? What if that guy you're walking with is a bad guy? Aku lahir dalam keluarga yang majoriti perempuan. Aku dah di didik supaya pandai jaga diri sendiri. My brain is programmed to not easily trust. &&, aku juga dah belajar sendiri betapa manis mulut manusia, hanya akan menghancurkan kita. Aku tak perlukan lelaki untuk bantu aku. I can help myself.